Monday, 5 May 2014

Life Drawing - Art Dump

Hi, all! 

Well I'm not going to upload all 57 photos again, it took too long and some of them uploaded upside down! 'Twas a pain to straighten up individually -_- So, this is an art dump from my life drawing class. The mediums I used are: quink ink, graphite/pencil, acrylic paint. 
I know the quink ink looks like coffee.. :/ I don't like it for that but the results right after painting it are great. Maybe I should stick to indian ink, but that quink ink cost a lot... -_- 

Some of these drawings/paintings aren't great but it's just myself learning the human form. This is a great way to practice and better my skill.

Also, be sure to check out my facebook page and follow me for daily-not-so-daily posts :D
(I update that more than this v_v)