I should really post more often! I do apologise.
Well, here's an art dump of the past few life drawing sessions I've had, I haven't got photos of all my work but at least you can see what I've been up to and how much I've improved/what skill level I'm at. Also, that's Quink Ink I'm using... It's great for...ink drawings, but it does change colour after awhile...
As you can see; we've just started on colour! Warm tones bring it forward, cool tones make it appear distant. The second attempt is more of a rendering of skin tone/colour. I really enjoy life drawing, however stressful, I get a great feeling afterwards - accomplishment!
Also, here are a couple other drawings I made (copies) from a previous project. I had to make them as accurate as I could!
And last but least; check out this cool ink bubble that formed on my art book!
I wish I could do it again!